“Play with a SOUL purpose”
Spirited Sprout is a place for EVERY little spirited sprout to come and engage in sensory play! The name Spirited Sprout is simply describing what parents already know—like a seed grows to be a sprout in the right soil, so do our spirited children when planted in the right environment. We are on a mission to come along side as many families as possible, to help their little sprout take deep roots, in a safe and inclusive play environment.
(704) 776-6472136 Waxhaw Parkway, Suite D
Waxhaw, NC 28173
Join our team!
Currently hiring:
Movement & Music Lead
Art Lead
Occupational Therapist
Interested in collaborating? contact us via the form below!
Open Tuesday – Saturday
Closed Sunday
Monday– Therapeutic use only
Sensory integration includes any activity that stimulates your young child’s senses: touch, smell, taste, movement, balance, sight and hearing. Why invest in Sensory Play for your child? The experience of sensory activity promotes learning and exploration. It is scientifically proven to effect balance, muscular and skeletal systems and vision, among other brain functions.